Monday, April 01, 2002

Five minutes

11.35pm - my time.

Not before long after a few mundane days of non-activity, I begin to realize that I haven't updated my weblog for days. Why should I? I ask myself, I have nothing extremely interesting or informative to say. Makes me wonder if the internet is really a placeholder for information because day by day I am accumulating quite a bit of content and none of it seems to be very relevant or informative. In fact what you read here might degrade your level of intelligence.

Yes indeed my mind is blank today. I am thinking of layouts for lesson 4 of my graphic design class. I have to design a magazine cover and create the layout for the insides. It sounds like a very challenging task, and indeed it is because I have no content as yet. So I guess that, plus some other things are distracting my mind.

This is just five minutes of my time, this is like a preview of what happens if you were to know what I am thinking for five minutes. Uh oh, one minute left. Computer, screen, birds, pictures, scanning, organizing, work, work, work, papers in the tray, documents to prepare, pay the electricity bill, upload some pictures, make an appointment with the doctor, painkillers, painkillers are good, I should buy some more, if I can. I feel like having a large pizza. I think I'll go watch tv.

11.40pm - my time.
* The author apologizes for the lack of creative originality for this post and regrets that you have read it. Perhaps now you are wondering how you can unsubscribe to the mailing list. Perhaps you want to buy a rabbit, or a picture, or a dress. Perhaps you want to go for coffee now. Perhaps I need some coffee. Yes, I have single-handedly solved my own problem. Coffee. Will write when I am particularly juiced up. Till then.