Friday, September 09, 2005

iPod nano

Sometimes I think that the Apple designers have it easy. It really doesn't take much to replicate an iPod's success, just make sure that you have a technology department that enables you to make things smaller, thinner, better. When you look at clean lines it usually means that for a designer, he doesn't really have to do much. No complicated curves or anything of that sort, and that's what good design is all about, eliminating everything that's unnecessary until everything becomes clean, pure.

And so they made the iPod nano. I once told myself that the next iPod I buy will be one that can play DVDs, but thinking of it, ripping a DVD isn't an easy task, well yeah it IS easy but it simply takes too much time. On further thought, no matter how much I liked a movie I probably wouldn't watch it all the time so portability isn't really such a big deal. So it comes down to just this, music, and that's whats ensuring the success of the iPods. Sony has created its own range of Walkmans that I must say look pretty cool even without a color screen, but the eternal problem with Sony is they name all their devices in numbers and letters, and quite frankly, I can't be bothered remembering any of it. Probably at one point, yes, it was the futuristic thing to do, but now, common sense will tell you to give it a name so that people can call it something human.

The iPod nano is unbelievably small, and I believe it. By just looking at the measurements this thing will definitely fit anywhere, and being a flash player it will never skip, and I reckon that parts failure will definitely be reduced as compared to harddisk MP3 players like the iPod mini. Available in white or black (Love black), and in 2 or 4Gbs, you can hold a sizable amount of music in there. In the CNET Asia site one of the cons listed was that it would be great for newbies but 4Gb might be a squeeze for experienced users. Experienced?! Its an MP3 player! But their reviews have that sort of mentality where every device has to have to best specifications just because its possible.

What I believe is that although they could have done it, it defies the purpose of the device itself. Think about it, every device is created for a target market, as long as the target market buys into the product, the product will sell itself, and thus the task will be deemed a success. Would iPods have gained a more significant market share if they packed it with an FM radio? I hardly think so, but I suppose they could generate a slight increase in sales from the folks who listen to the radio. The fact remains that they have successfully marketed their product nevertheless.

I nearly purchased an iPod mini due to its size, but nothing seemed to propel me to do it, but the nano with its color screen, that I can work with. I'm already envisioning it lodged in a coffeetable playing hours of music, if only I can figure out how to fit a subwoofer into the enclosure. Ah, technology allows for much creative freedom, and I like seeing it go further every now and then. iPod nano scores a 10 in my books for its design, simplicity, color screen, dock connector (for vast array of accessories), flash storage, and its size definitely. I's only 1/3 the size of my phone, and I thought my phone was slim!